1. What is the size of your military?
The Taliban has a fighting force of about 11,000 men.
2. List your country's weapons.
Because the Taliban is a guerilla organization, they do not control any weapons of mass destruction that are apparent to the rest of the world. They generally carry out attacks using improvised explosive devices and assault rifles.
In the sim, the Taliban's greatest enemy is Pakistan. Pakistan controls dozens of nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles that are capable of carrying those warheads short or medium distances.
3. For purposes of the sim, the Taliban is a nuclear power. The Taliban secured a compound which houses four nuclear warheads and medium range ballistic missiles.
4. Pakistan is bordered by Iran, Afghanistan, and India.
5. There are large Muslim populations in many countries in the countries surrounding Pakistan as well as many European countries. The Taliban feels invested in all of these countries and wish to have at least some official control over them.